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SecuX Brings Security DIDs and Web3 to WebX2024 Side Event
Engage with SecuX's Side Event at WebX2024 and Discover How Combining Decentralized Identifiers and Web3 Technologies Shapes a Secure Digital Landscape
Read full article here
Smart Contracts Explained
Contract law and contractual agreements have existed for hundreds if not thousands of years. Traditionally, a contract may need to be enforced by a third party in case participants do...
Wed, Sep 18, 24
Bitcoin Pizza Day - From Pizzas to Billions
Every year, the global crypto community marks May 22nd as Bitcoin Pizza Day, a celebration that traces back to the first physical Bitcoin transaction back in 2010. On this day...
Mon, May 20, 24
NFTs in 2023: Are We Out of the Crypto Winter?
Whether you’re looking to get into crypto or already hold digital assets, it’s no secret that crypto is in a bit of a funk. The crypto market has been hit...
Fri, Mar 03, 23
Cryptocurrency Transaction Fees
When using a hardware wallet to transfer cryptocurrencies, it’s important to consider the transaction fees, also known as gas fees. Gas fees are the amount paid to miners to include...
Thu, Oct 14, 21
Coins vs Tokens
SecuX wallets support over 10,000 different types of coins and tokens on many different chains. But did you know there are differences between the two? Coins Coins refer to the...
Fri, Aug 27, 21
How do crypto wallets work anyways?
Crypto wallets don’t work the same as normal wallets do in the physical world. A first big difference between the two is if you lose your physical wallet, you lose...
Fri, Aug 20, 21
Coins and Tokens Supported by SecuX Hardware Wallets
Hello SecuX Users! Hope all of you are staying safe amidst the pandemic. Officially, SecuX supports 10,000+ coins and tokens. That is a lot of coins and tokens. Today, we...
Fri, Aug 13, 21
What is Cryptocurrency?
When Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin in 2009, he also created the first blockchain network. Today, there are thousands of different blockchains and cryptocurrencies in the world. So what is a...
Fri, Aug 13, 21
Cryptocurrency Wallet Hardware Technology Development
SecuX Author : Sam Lin , VP @ SecuX Technology Inc. 安瀚科技股份有限公司 Cryptocurrency, also known as virtual currency, was first introduced in 2008 through an article written by Satoshi Nakamoto...
Fri, Jul 10, 20