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SecuX Introducing the Ultra-Slim Biometric Cold Wallet at TOKEN 2049

SecuX Introducing the Ultra-Slim Biometric Cold Wallet at TOKEN 2049

The digital age we live in has reshaped how we perceive value. With the meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies, the emphasis on their secure storage has never been higher. Enter SecuX, the beacon of innovation in the blockchain security realm.

The Hub News: LUKIMON x SecuX Press Release

日前 (9/22) 知名發票對獎 APP 《發票怪獸》發行的第二款 NFT《LUCKIMON幸運製造所》,上線一天多,即創下超早鳥組合 777 張銷售一空的佳績。官方春樹科技於今天釋出加碼組合,凡購買 NFT 收藏品的早鳥用戶,就能以 1 元的加購價格,得到原價 6199 元甫榮獲歐洲設計大獎的 Nifty 冷錢包!預估將吸引後續的 Web3.0 收藏者與忠誠用戶加入購買行列。 Read full article here

Wed, Mar 13, 24