News & Blog

SecuX Brings Security DIDs and Web3 to WebX2024 Side Event
Engage with SecuX's Side Event at WebX2024 and Discover How Combining Decentralized Identifiers and Web3 Technologies Shapes a Secure Digital Landscape
Read full article here
SecuX Nifty Unveils Groundbreaking WalletConnect Support for Solana Dapps
It is more important than ever to secure and streamline our interactions within the blockchain. We’re in an era of digital and decentralization convergence.
Wed, Jun 12, 24
Bitcoin Pizza Day - From Pizzas to Billions
Every year, the global crypto community marks May 22nd as Bitcoin Pizza Day, a celebration that traces back to the first physical Bitcoin transaction back in 2010. On this day...
Mon, May 20, 24
Best Crypto Exchanges for SecuX Wallets
SecuX wallets are jam-packed with security features that make them excellent vehicles that work with crypto exchanges. We’ve broken down our products in detail below and have also suggested the...
Tue, Feb 27, 24
What Is a Crypto/NFT Wallet? – Your Questions Answered
NFT and crypto wallets don’t look like the physical wallet you keep in the back pocket. If you have digital investments such as crypto and NFTs, you definitely need one...
Thu, Mar 09, 23
Are Crypto Wallets Safe?
We’ve all heard of the infamous FTX exchange collapse and the loss of many people’s crypto assets with it. Is there a way to store cryptocurrency safely without keeping it...
Tue, Feb 21, 23
The Wormhole Hack: 2022’s Largest DeFi Hack (So Far)
The Wormhole hack demonstrated that the cryptocurrency industry is more vulnerable than most people think. According to blockchain analyst firm Chainalysis, more than $14 billion in crypto assets were stolen...
Wed, Aug 10, 22
Hardware Wallets vs. Software Wallets: Which is Safer?
As we enter 2023, the ‘hardware wallets vs software wallets’ debate is as pertinent as ever! Cryptocurrency exchanges are going bankrupt left and right, and we are all reminded of...
Fri, Apr 01, 22
What Makes Crypto Hardware Wallets 'Secure'?
The world of crypto hardware wallets is still in its infancy. It can be difficult to understand exactly what you need to protect your wealth with so many unknown variables....
Wed, Jan 12, 22
How do crypto wallets work anyways?
Crypto wallets don’t work the same as normal wallets do in the physical world. A first big difference between the two is if you lose your physical wallet, you lose...
Fri, Aug 20, 21
Coins and Tokens Supported by SecuX Hardware Wallets
Hello SecuX Users! Hope all of you are staying safe amidst the pandemic. Officially, SecuX supports 10,000+ coins and tokens. That is a lot of coins and tokens. Today, we...
Fri, Aug 13, 21
Hidden Wallet is an Advanced Feature
The hidden wallet is an advanced feature that enables extra protection to your crypto assets.It requires a personal passphrase to compute and generate an extra wallet that exists parallel to...
Thu, Apr 15, 21