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Firmware Update on Web

Please have your 24 Recovery Seed Phrase and passphrase (if you have one set up) available, in case the recovery process is required during or after firmware update.

Please also ensure your SecuX wallet is securely connected to your computer via USB cable, as connection disruptions may interrupt the update process.

Firmware Update


Connect to the Computer via USB


1. Unlock your device with your PIN.

2. Connect your device to your computer via USB cable with the Chrome browser.

3. Make sure device Bluetooth function is turned OFF.


Connect to the Computer via USB

Connect to the Computer via USB


Enter Update Mode


Click on Update Available.


Enter Update Mode


Choose Update Method


1. Click on Update via USB connection on SecuXess. You can also update via Bluetooth with SecuX Firmware Update Mobile app.


Choose Update Method


2. Make sure you have read and understood UPDATE 1, 2, and 3 thoroughly.

3. Click on Next Step.


Choose Update Method


4. Click Continue after verifying your USB connection, and the device will enter SecuX Update Mode.


Choose Update Method


5. Click on Start Firmware Update.


Choose Update Method


Start Firmware Update


1. Select SecuX Wallet Bootloader and click “Connect” to start the firmware update process.


Start Firmware Update


2. Please remain on this page until the update is complete as changing tabs and applications will interrupt the update process.

3. If the update process fails, please reconnect your device and start the update process again.


Start Firmware Update Start Firmware Update


Complete Firmware Update


1. Please wait until this message appears. When it does, press “OK” and then reconnect your wallet.

2. The update is now complete.


Complete Firmware Update


Updated on 06 Mar 2024