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WalletConnect for DApps

WalletConnect is an open-source protocol for connecting decentralized applications to mobile wallets with QR code scanning or deep linking.

WalletConnect for DApps


Connect Your Device


Connect your wallet to the mobile device via Bluetooth. If you need help connecting, please visit our How it Works section.



Start Using WalletConnect


1. In the SecuX Mobile app, tap on DApps at the bottom.

2. Tap on WalletConnect.


Start Using WalletConnect


Scan QR Code


Scan the QR code that appears on the DeFi App.


Scan QR Code


Select Account


1. Select the account you would like to use from the list of available accounts, according to the type of DApps you wish to connect.

2. Connect to the DeFi App by tapping on Approve.


Select Account


Connect to the Decentralized Finance Application


1. You are now connected to the DeFi App via WalletConnect.

2. Tap on Continue to proceed.


Connect to the Decentralized Finance Application


Review Details


1. Review details and information.

2. Ensure that the outgoing amount of ETH/BNB is accurate, then click on Accept. Be noted the app shows the outgoing ETH/BNB amount only and any incoming amount or any assets other than ETH/BNB will be shown as 0.


Review Details


Authorize on Your Device


Verify the outgoing ETH/BNB amount is correct and tap on the AUTHORIZE button to confirm the transaction on your device.


Authorize on Your Device


Complete Transaction


The transaction is now complete. Copy down the transaction ID for future reference. You can now verify the assets that were added or removed correctly on your wallet. If you received tokens that are new to the ETH/BNB account used, you need to add the token to the ETH/BNB account for the balance to be shown.


Complete Transaction


Updated on 25 Nov 2024