Beware of phishing attacks, SecuX will never ask for your 24 word recovery seed phrase. Never share them.

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Crypto Seed Storage System

Back up your crypto seed with pre-stamped letter tiles. It is the ultimate solution for fast, easy and secure storage.

Crypto Seed Storage System


Check Your Surroundings


Secured network

Secured network

Your mobile device or your laptop/desktop is NOT connected to an unsecured network.

Turn off surveillance device

Turn off surveillance device

You are NOT exposed to any unsecured surveillance or cameras.

Private environment

Private environment

You are NOT in a public space with many people around you.



1. Set up your crypto wallet.


Set up your crypto wallet Set up your crypto wallet


2. Write down your seed phrases in the correct order.


Write down your seed phrases in the correct order


3. Open seed storage by sliding the upper container out like a fan.


Open seed storage by sliding the upper container out like a fan


4. Unlock the frame by turning the screw counterclockwise.


Unlock the frame by turning the screw counterclockwise


5. Release the safety lever by pressing inside the long slot.


Release the safety lever by pressing inside the long slot


6. Open the frame while the safety lever is released.


Open the frame while the safety lever is released


7. Insert into the slot the first 4 letters* of each seed phrase.

*Your 12, 18 or 24 seed phrases are also known as BIP39 mnemonic words, a group of 2048 easy-to-remember words. The first 4 letters of all 2048 words from the BIP39 word list are different from each other. There are no two words that share the same first 4 letters.


Insert into the slot the first 4 letters* of each seed phrase


8. Lock the frame by turning the screw clockwise.


Lock the frame by turning the screw clockwise


9. Seal SecuX crypto seed storage system with SecuX tamper-proof stickers to prevent third-party access to your private key.


Seal SecuX crypto seed storage system with SecuX tamper-proof stickers to prevent third-party access to your private key


10. Keep it in a safe place that is out of reach by malicious intentions.


Keep it in a safe place that is out of reach by malicious intentions


11. Enjoy a good night's sleep and peace of mind.


Enjoy a good night's sleep and peace of mind


Updated on 16 Apr 2024